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Official Opening of the RADA Hanover Parish Building

Official Opening of the RADA Hanover Parish Building

December 14, 2022 was quite a monumental occasion of RADA as key stakeholders witness the Official Opening of the New RADA Hanover Parish Office Building. This was indeed long awaited and most appreciated and valued by the Office Staff and Farmers of the Parish.

The original Parish Office was an old, dilapidated building that was demolished in 2017. The Office was then moved to a temporary operating site on the outskirts of the town of Lucea.

The construction of the new Office Building started officially on January 28, 2020 and  has become a single storey Office building that is hugged beautifully by the Caribbean Sea.

This building will now house stakeholders, extension and administrative staff and more ably provide technical extension services to the farmers.

 Specifically the Office will enable coordinated operations and an overall improvement in service delivery for the over 7,400 farmers in the Parish.

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